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Let the knitting begin!

So,  having returned from the Algarve brimming with enthusiasm, I started starting the business! 

Using my marketing and PR training, I researched the market and couldn't find anything duplicating my idea (of course that could be good or bad!) Maybe there weren't any similar products because no-one wanted to buy them but, thinking positive, maybe it was because no one had thought of it before!

I rsearchd names and was disappointed, but not surprised, to find that my favourites were already taken - Baby Steps and One Small Step were gone, so I noodled around with other languages and decided on babashuh.  I can't really say why except that I was keen to have some suggestion of baby in there and shuh was the neatest exposition of shoe that I could find!

Then I started knitting, using scraps of wool that I had from free gifts on knitting magazines (I cannot bear to throw anything potentially useful away, which has served me quite well!)

I started with simple, free patterns from knitting websites, the first of which (below) wasn't that successful but I did find a terrific simple and quick pattern. 

The booties below are my basic model - they work flat.....

and in three dimensions.............

and I used it to design my logo and business card

I looked at my social media options and decided on the two I flt most comforable with - Twitter and Facebook - I have added Instagram but really under the instruction of my 15 year old daughter, who is far more expert than me, though Nat5s get in the way of regular posting!

Next time, I'll tell you about how I found my charity partner and my first attempts at bespoke gifts.

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